The coffee originates from the Orosi region, one of the oldest in Costa Rica. It is located in a valley 40 kilometers from San Jose, the capital of the country, and the coffee tradition here spans over 100 years.
The highest parts of the Orosi mountains are covered with forests protected by private biological reserves and national parks, preserving the area’s weather conditions unaffected by human activity. The climate of Orosi is influenced by both Atlantic and Pacific slopes. The dry season lasts from December to April, and the rainy season from May to November, with an average duration of 210 days, making this region humid.
Farms are located at elevations ranging from 1000 to 1400 meters above sea level on highly fertile volcanic soils.
Due to the region’s climate, coffee beans are large and uniform in size, ranging in color from dark green to bluish-green. The cup has an intense cocoa flavor with very pleasant and distinct aromatic notes and a noble acidity.
Café Gourmet de Tobosi is the project of two coffee enthusiasts: Jorge Brenes and Andres Salas. Jorge comes from a family of coffee producers; his grandfather was one of the first developers of the famous Tarrazu coffee region in Costa Rica. With extensive knowledge and experience, Jorge and Andres specialize in all areas of coffee: production, processing, trading, and roasting. The Tobosi farm was founded in 2010 in El Guarco, Cartago. Farmers planted various varieties to optimize farming conditions on different parts of the plantation. Among them are Villasarchi, Geisha, Catuai Rojo, Catuai Amarillo, and Villalobos.
The process begins with the collection of 100% ripe coffee cherries on the farm. The harvested coffee is transported to the processing station in Patalillo and then sent on a conveyor belt to a tank to remove floaters and any other impurities. After this stage, water is separated from the coffee cherries, and the coffee is passed through horizontal pulpers rotating at 130 revolutions per minute. The skin is separated from the beans, which are then immediately sorted by size.
Then the coffee with 80% mucilage residue is placed on African beds in a layer no thicker than 10 cm. During drying, the beans are manually mixed every 30 minutes until the moisture content reaches 10.5%. This process can take approximately 8-10 days. Finally, the coffee is placed in Grain Pro bags, where it rests for at least one month. Then, using a huller, the pulp is removed, and the green beans are classified by size and density to have export-quality coffee.
Gourmet de Tobosi COSTA RICA
In 2017, coffee from the Tobosi farm won first place in the Cup of Excellence, and in 2018, second place.
In addition to several farms, Jorge Brenes and Andres Salas also have a processing station and a laboratory.