- Working with green coffee traders and farmers. At first glance, it may seem like nothing out of the ordinary - you get in touch, make a purchase. However, high-quality work and trusting relationships with green coffee traders and farmers are essential. Through effective market engagement, you can consistently obtain fresh beans and secure better deals in terms of price and logistics.
- Sample selection. At this stage of the process, we consider characteristics such as the growing country, region, variety, processing method, and moisture content. We then order samples of green coffee, roast them using the IKAWA sample roaster, adjust the roasting profile, assess the potential of the beans, and proceed to the next stage of tasting
- Cupping is a professional coffee tasting process. Here, we evaluate the potential of the beans following SCA protocols. Afterward, we select the best samples from the fresh coffee harvest and create our assortment.
- Purchasing green coffee beans. By proactively shaping the volumes of key positions, we ensure a warehouse of green beans for continuous operation for both ourselves and our partners.